Title | Sponsoring Agency | Year |
Development of Storage Systems based on Reciprocal Salt pairs for multiple applications | T E R I | 1980 - 1983 |
Development of an active heat exchanger for latent heat thermal engery storage. | T E R I | 1981 - 1983 |
Evaluation and optimisation of smokeless chulha. | Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development, New- Delhi | 1982 - 1983 |
National programme on improved Chulha | M.N.E.S., Govt. of India | 1984 - 1994 |
Development and Evaluation of Thermal Energy Storage materials | D.N.E.S., Ministry of Energy, Govt. of India Project | 1986- 1990 |
Energy Plantation in and around Chandigarh | DST , U.T of Chandigarh Project | 1987- 1990 |
Agricultural and other Biomass Resources for Food, Fodder, Fuel and Fertiliser. | DST, U.T of Chandigarh | 1986 -1987 |
National Programme on improved Chulha. | Govt. of Haryana(Dept. of W & C) | 1994 - TILL DATE |
Regional Test Centre cum Technical Backup Unit. | M.N.E.S , Govt. of India. | 1994 - TILL DATE |
Rheological and Hydrodynamic Properties of Water Soluble Polymers. | M.H.R.D, Govt. of India | 1993-1996 |
Bureau of Indian Standards: Testing Facility for Solar Thermal Devices. | M.N.E.S , Govt. of India | 1993 TILL DATE |
Evalution of Seasonal Thermal Storage in Aquifers for Heating and Cooling. | M.N.E.S , Govt. of India. |
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